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Robert Creamer: The Significance of Obama's Foreign Trip



Robert Creamer: In the United States, presidents are more than decision-makers and leaders. They are Chiefs of State, symbolic embodiments of the values that define our country. This week Americans -- and people around the globe -- will get a glimpse of what it would be like if Barack Obama becomes the personal embodiment of America in the 21st Century. I believe they will like what they see. Click here to read more.

Jared Bernstein: The Shampoo Economy

Our system of borrowing, lending, and financing investments by both businesses and households is a national treasure, one which we have squandered in recent years.

John Fund: Bipartisan Scandal: Congress' Edifice Complex

Why does Congress hand out money to name buildings, bridges -- everything under the sun -- after its own living members? Until the 1960s, people had to die before they were memorialized in granite.

Lionel Beehner: So, Did You Find Any Facts, Obama?

Let's call these missions what they are: photo ops and ways of gathering impressions, opinions, and assumptions from various sources on the ground. Let's leave the fact-finding to Google.

Derek Shearer: The Proper Use of Bill and Hillary Clinton

Obama should not only ask their advice, he should give Hillary and Bill each a plane and put them into the field in the fall, letting them speak in battleground states on economics and healthcare.

Daniel Nichanian: Weekend Roundup: Obama, Afghanistan and the Maliki Non-Denial

It's hard to believe that Maliki didn't hope to influence U.S. domestic debate on withdrawal. Indeed, Maliki is in a uniquely powerful position to influence the U.S. campaign debate on the war.

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