
35 years.. It was about time

Je n'ai pas pu suivre la première mi-temps

de la finale entre la RDC et le Ghana.

Mais la seconde m'a plus

que donnee du baume au coeur.

Je ne cherche meme pas a precher

pour des convertis.

Le trophée qui se trouve en R.D.C.,

est une preuve par neuf que mes prévisions

et souhaits, se sont réalisés.

Quelles sont les leçons qu'il faut en tirer?

a) Le potentiel des Léopards, si il est canalisé

et que tout est mis en œuvre,

les résultats coulent de source.

b) Ce succès dans le domaine sportif,

peut créer des émules dans

d'autres disciplines et pourquoi pas

dans le secteur économique, agricole,

bref, tous les secteurs actifs.

Merci aux Léopards pour rassembler une nation.

Tshimen Bwanga, African Footballer of the Year Award Winners 1973

Photo: Zaïre Flag, Tshimen Bwanga

I would rather use French but in order to broaden,

I will stick to English and hope that any misspelling

or grammar non sense will be forgiven.

In 1973, I was 7 years old.

Although young, nobody had to convince me

that Zairian soccer was one of the best on the global scale.

What was behind the poor performance of the Leopards in the World Cup?

Some sources are saying that money allocated for the players never reached them.

When you look at soccer in Kongo, in every suburbs,

they are places where kids play soccer.

The ball may not pass FIFA's standards,

boots are not compulsory,

if there is s shortage of shirts,

which is most of the time the case,

one team play with shirts their opponents without.

Fans have meetings for rehearsals in order to sing as one during games...

Thoses Kongoleses who play overseas come from those places..

1973 - 2008   35 years for seeing not

the unbelievable but Kongo winning over Cameroon..

I was proud and happy...

Kongo does not need people from outside to teach them soccer,

in Lingala, we said: ''Eza na makila''

We have to keep the momentum...

Kolo Masiya a pambola biso

             J-L K.
Procurement Consultant
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